Quick Heal Internet Security 1 User
Quick Heal Internet Security 1 User
The best security solution for secure online browsing. Bank, chat, email, and browseonline with round-the-clock security.
· Secures your financial transactions on the Internet.
· Automatically blocks infected emails and websites.
· Blocks spam, infected, and phishing emails BrowsingProtection • Blocks suspicious and harmful websites that can download malwaresand worms to your PC or steal your data. Phishing Protection • Prevents allkinds of phishing attempts that try to steal your data. Fraudsters impersonatelegitimate email notifications asking for login or banking credentials. Thisfeature detects such attempts.
· Total Ransomware Protection. Keeps your data and PC safe fromransomware attacks.
· Smart data backup and restore features act as a safety net to getyour valuable data back in case of a ransomware attack.
· Do banking & online shopping confidently. Safe Banking protectsyour credentials including bank account, username, and password during bankingtransactions and online shopping from getting stolen.
· Anti-Keylogger. Blocks all keystrokes spyware that can record yourdata and send to the hackers.